Webinar: Unlocking Funding for IPC’s Registered Apprentice Program

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This webinar describes available apprenticeship funding opportunities to support your workforce development costs. We aim to demystify these funding opportunities and make them more accessible. We understand that navigating the labyrinth of government funding can be overwhelming, which is how IPC can help.

Webinar Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Funding Sources: Learn about the various federal, state, and local funding programs available for apprenticeships.
  • Navigating the Funding Process: Gain insights into the intricacies of this process. Our experts will guide you through the steps involved, from initial research to receiving reimbursement for workforce training expenditures.
  • Best Practices and Strategies: Discover strategies to optimize funding opportunities. We will share tips on articulating your training needs effectively and demonstrating the potential impact of the funding on your workforce.
  • Q&A Session: Have your questions answered by our panel of experts. This is your opportunity to seek advice specific to your organization’s needs.

Funding Available for IPC's Registered Apprenticeship Program!

Currently, there are two funding opportunities available through the Institute for American Apprenticeships (IAA).

  1. The first grant offers a small incentive funding opportunity for first-time program launches on a per apprentice basis. The funding amount is $375 per apprentice. This is a pre-apprenticeship to apprenticeship model and can only fund the first cohort of NEW EMPLOYERS adopting apprenticeships. 
  2. The second grant offers full reimbursement for the cost of Related Technical Instruction which is $500 per apprentice! This funding is available for a limited time, through June 2024, and seats are limited so act now. 

The two sources can be combined for added value which means that you could be reimbursed in full for the related technical instruction (RTI) and receive an additional $375 per new apprentice in your first cohort.

Learn About IPC's Registered Apprentice Program
Take advantage of IPC's apprentice program that is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor and eligible for federal, state and local funding. IPC can help get you up and running.

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