Standards Development News Letter


Summary of Standard Development Projects :

DomainStandard No.
(Team Code)
No. of MembersChairmanDescriptionStatus
AutomotiveIPC 1771
7Mr. V.R.Chakravarthy
Ex. Continental, Bangalore
Automotive Supplier ChecklistCheck sheet released - November 2023
EVIPC 9911
28Mr. Anand Kumar S N Polisetty
Simpleenergy Private Ltd., Bangalore
Guideline for Automotive Electronics Printed Board Thermal Management & Electronic Component Derating Meeting every Tuesday
Completion outlook - December 2027
PCB DesignIPC 2232
25Ms. Savita.R.Ganjigatti
SIENNA ECAD Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Guideline for Printed Board Design and Manufacturing of IOT ProductsMeeting every Friday
Completion outlook - January 2026
26Mr. Siraj Puthanpurayil
Schneider Electric IT Business India. Pvt Ltd Bangalore
India Regional Task TeamOngoing task team meetings
26Mr. Siraj Puthanpurayil
Schneider Electric IT Business India. Pvt Ltd Bangalore
India Regional Task TeamOngoing task team meetings
Wire HarnessIPC/WHMA-A-620
22Mr. Sudarshan Jagirdar
Rossell Techsys, Bangalore
India Regional Task TeamOngoing task team meetings
Box BuildIPC - A- 630 
22Mr. Sudarshan Jagirdar
Rossell Techsys, Bangalore
India Regional Task TeamOngoing task team meetings

Automotive Solutions Committee 

Other Initiatives

Consumer ElectronicsMr. Ashish J Micheal
Jio Platform Ltd., Noida
India Manufacturing Process Guidelines for Consumer Electronics
Guideline document prepared-Under Approval Process.
PCBCol. Shekhar Mishra
DGQA, Bangalore
PCB Test lab at India in accordance with MIL standard IPC is review team member of JSS 
Meet Your Standards
Internationally Recognized to Build Electronics Better

IPC enables reliable, high-quality electronics by developing the trusted standards that drive the global electronics industry's success. Implemented industry-wide, our standards simply communicate and clarify expectations for everyone within the industry. IPC standards help ensure superior quality, reliability and consistency in electronics manufacturing.

IPC has over 300+ active multilingual industry standards, covering nearly every stage of the electronics product development cycle. There are more than 3,000 electronic industry professionals participating in the development of these standards.  

Technical Questions

For questions relating to IPC standards content or other technical inquiries, select the button below


Industry engagement in India, Southeast Asia & MEA on “Standards Development” activities 

Committee inviting Members to Join:

Design Committee
Automotive Solutions Committee
EMS Committee
Wire Harness Committee
Aerospace & Defence Committee