New IPC E-Textiles Standards Activities Forming

by Chris Jorgensen, director, IPC technology transfer
There are new e-textiles standards activities forming under the IPC E-Textiles Committee.
Wearables Guideline
A new IPC task group will form soon to begin work on IPC-8961, Guideline on E-Textile Wearables. This guideline will provide best practices and useful information for those interested in developing e-textiles wearables. It will be a document that will serve as an educational resource for anyone with interest in e-textiles wearables as well as a suitable supplement to users of IPC-8981 who may be looking for additional background information on the characteristics and testing of that standard.
Embroidered E-Textiles
IPC has formed an interest group under the IPC E-Textiles Committee to develop a strategy for developing standards for embroidered e-textiles. This group is identifying gaps in standardization, focusing on materials, design requirements, reliability, integration methods and manufacturability. Once those gaps have been identified, the group will outline a strategy for standards development and begin forming task groups.
If you have interest in being involved with either of these areas, contact me at