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One of IPC’s aspirational goals is to work with the electronics manufacturing industry to identify and collaborate on finding solutions to industry challenges. By collaborating with the electronics manufacturing industry, we can identify and launch new products and services that address important challenges and leverage new opportunities. The Solutions IPC provides might include new standards, educational opportunities, industry intelligence, advocating for industry support, providing leadership and guidance in new technology, or any combination of the above.

IPC Factory of the Future is a new solutions program to lead, assist and guide the electronics manufacturing industry through the next industrial revolution by solving real business challenges. Other solutions the industry and IPC have collaborated on, launched and working on are; CFX, IPC Design, e-Mobility, Validations Services, PERM, and e-Textiles.  These programs were brought forward by industry and we are working on ways to solve real industry problems facing the electronics manufacturing industry.

Bring your industry challenges forward to IPC by sending an email to answers@ipc.org and we will evaluate, confirm and let you know the next steps. 

Find More Information On Solution Programs See Below

IPC Factory of the Future
Leading the electronics manufacturing industry through the next industrial revolution by solving real business problems
Learn more about how IPC-2591 is enabling "plug and play" IoT communication across the manufacturing environment, where all equipment, manufacturing processes, and transactional stations can communicate without the need for specialized software.
IPC e-Mobility Solutions
How is IPC and the automotive industry working together to meet the high-reliability requirements demanded by the automotive industry?
IPC Design Initiative
Building Electronics Better - starts with better designs - see how IPC can help you design better
IPC Validation Services - Qualifying Manufacturers
IPC Validation Services connects you to the best and the brightest in the PCB assembly and electronics manufacturing industries.
IPC E-Textiles Initiative - Join the Effort
See how the e-textiles supply chain is working together with the creation of the E-TEXTILES EXCHANGE, what standards are being developed and so much more.