New IPC Video Urges “Silicon-to-Systems” Approach to CHIPS Funding

by Michelle Mermelstein, IPC Director of Media Engagement 

A new video released today by IPC says “focusing on chips just isn’t enough” when it comes to ensuring America’s resilience and security. Instead, the U.S. Government should take a comprehensive “silicon-to-systems” approach to its CHIPS for America and defense electronics programs.

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With animation and graphics, the video tells the story of how electronic systems are at the heart of everything – from cars to computers to phones and medical devices. The video was produced to help IPC share data supporting the need to recognize the value in the entire electronics ecosystem beyond just silicon chips.

In Washington and around the world, IPC is urging policymakers to take measures such as providing funding for defense purchases of “trusted” printed circuit boards (PCBs); enacting tax incentives for purchases of domestic PCBs; developing more skilled workers and career pathways in electronics; and using CHIPS Act funding to ramp up production of related essentials such as integrated circuit substrates and “advanced packaging.” 

IPC is promoting the video to targeted audiences via its social media accounts, email newsletters, and other communications channels. IPC members and partners are encouraged to help spread the word by sharing the video with their professional networks, elected officials, and local leaders to help explain the need for the “silicon-to-systems” approach.