2-17 Connected Factory Initiative Subcommittee


Jarrod Webb, Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control

Staff Liaison(s):

Matt Kelly

Committee Charter:

This committee is responsible for creating a data & control interface standard related to machine, sensor, IT host system, and the cyber-physical device communications within and surrounding the entire electronics manufacturing operations. The committee mission is to identify what Industry 4.0 and ‘Industrial Internet of Things’ (IIoT) mean in the context of electronics product assembly, and then to define the data content and communications method to enable free, standardized, and open non-proprietary methods to support the identified Industry 4.0 needs. The resulting standard shall adhere to two fundamental guidelines: First it shall not define logic, analytics, or decision making upon any data, nor shall it define what an end-user should do with the data. Secondly, it shall call for a minimum base level of ‘plug and play’ functionality in its final technical implementation such that customization is not required for its use in any given environment. The plug and play aspect of the standard relates to both data content and transport, in that there shall be a certain data sets and a transport that is considered minimally required by the standard, but the standard won’t restrict additional transport and data content extensions to allow support for further needs.