Chair: Eric Camden, Foresite, Inc. Vice-Chair: Hannah Nelson Grace, Texas Instruments Staff Liaison(s): Debora Obitz Email: Committee Charter: This task group is responsible for the evaluation of current ionic conductivity (cleanliness) acceptance limits relative to PB and PBAs. They will be responsible for the maintenance, review and revising of the test methods previously under the 5-32a, 5-32b and 5-32c former task groups. Those methods include but may not be limited to: 2.3.28, 2.3.25,,,,,, and The group will continue to maintain current IPC documents and ensure synergy with other IPC standards regarding IPC-9201, IPC-9202, and IPC-9203. The group will be responsible for providing default cleanliness values for PBs, and methods for monitoring bare board cleanliness levels and determine pass - fail requirements for PBs. The group will continue to develop new standards, guidelines, test methods and protocols for evaluating residue levels on PBs and PBAs.