Chair: Julie Silk, Keysight Technologies Vice-Chair: Vasu Vasudevan, Dell Inc. Staff Liaison(s): Debora Obitz Email: Committee Charter: This task group is responsible for the maintenance and development of specific test and performance levels for solder attachment of surface mount devices to rigid, flexible and rigid-flex circuit structures which are based on the guidelines furnished in IPC-9701 Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for Surface Mount Solder Attachments. The documents which this group maintains are: IPC/JEDEC-9702 Monotonic Bend Characterization of Board-Level Interconnects, -9703 Mechanical Shock Test Guidelines for Solder Joint Reliability, -9704 Printed Wiring Board Strain Gage Test Guidelines, -9706 Mechanical Shock In-situ Electrical Metrology Test Guidelines for FCBGA SMT Component Solder Crack and Pad Crater/Trace Crack Detection, -9707 Spherical Bend Test Method for Characterization of Board Level Interconnects, IPC-9708 Test Methods for Characterization of Printed Board Assembly Pad Cratering, and IPC 9709 Test Guidelines for Acoustic Emission Measurement during Mechanical Test.