USPAE and IPC would like to invite you to participate in an IC substrate workshop planned for May 16, 2024, in Washington, D.C. The workshop will further IPC’s work on a U.S. Department of Defense-funded project to study and recommend approaches to addressing the country’s lack of IC substrate manufacturing capabilities.
In addition to morning and luncheon keynotes featuring government leaders, the workshop will divide participants into breakout groups exploring four key areas:
- Technology Requirements
- Workforce Needs
- Standards Solutions
- Financial Competitiveness
Efforts will be made in advance of the workshop to ensure equitable distribution of participants across breakout groups and to ensure that key segments are represented. If there are others in your company or in the industry who you believe should be invited to this workshop, please reach out to JoeO'Neil@ipc.org.
View agenda.
Registration closes May 10.