In 2003, IPC opened a European representative office in order to provide better, more timely service to the industry in Europe. The goal was also to establish a more active ear, to listen to our members and adjust programming to better meet their needs. The IPC European Representative is responsible for working closely with IPC distributors who sell IPC standards throughout Europe. 

In 2016, IPC opened a new office in Brussels, Belgium. The office delivers the full suite of IPC products and services, including member support, standards development activities, educational opportunities, and more to all members in Europe.


French Design Council Event
IPC Day Design France
IPC Hand Soldering Competitions Europe 2025
IPC HSC 2025
See the latest IPC Hand Soldering Competitions in Europe, mark your calendars for the dates you wish to compete
Annual Survey of the European EMS Industry 2024
An annual survey conducted by in4ma and sponsored by IPC Electronics Europe GmbH, revealed that the European electronics manufacturing services (EMS) industry experienced a robust 11 percent growth last year.

Recent Events From IPC Europe 

IPC Europe Hand Soldering Competitions 2024
Find the results of the IPC European HSC events in 2024
IPC Days/EMS Days European News
Find out what you missed
IPC EU Technical/Committee Meetings
Learn about the technical/committee meetings held in 2024
Remote video URL
IPC Europe

IPC Day Design France

IPC Day Design France was hosted by WeNetwork, where the IPC Design Council France presented results of a 3-year study on the use of IPC standards to create highly reliable PCBs at the design stage.

Remote video URL
IPC Europe

IPC Day Design France

Organisé par IPC, PC2A et IFTEC, Le troisième IPC Day Design France s’est tenu mercredi dernier 9 septembre 2020 dans les locaux de WeNetwork à Angers. Le IPC Design Council France à présenté les résultats préliminaires de 3 années d‘activité de ses groupes de travail sur l’utilisation des standards IPC pour l’amélioration de la conception de PCB pour plus de qualité et de fiabilité des équipements.

European Contact Information
IPC Munich office
Herzogspitalstrasse 24
80331 Munich, Germany
+34 661 323231
Philippe Leonard, IPC European Director
Engage with IPC's Global Advocacy Team
IPC advocates for the electronics manufacturing industry throughout Europe. Meet the team on our Advocacy page.
Get Involved by Joining a Standards Committee
Make sure your company has input into the IPC standards by including your technical expertise to improve IPC standards.
IPC Electronics Europe GmbH
In this video, John W. Mitchell, IPC president and CEO, announces IPC’s new subsidiary, IPC Electronics Europe GmbH, along with IPC plans to continue to serve European members to help drive new standards, education, and advocacy solutions vital to transforming Europe’s factories of the future.
Learn More
IPC Industrial Policy Report on European Electronics Manufacturing
IPC has released a study with policy recommendations to boost the resilience and competitiveness of the electronics industry in Europe.
Learn More