Welcome to IPC!
As a new member, your company is now partnered with thousands of fellow PCB fabricators, wire harness manufacturers, EMS providers, OEMs and suppliers in the global electronics industry who manufacture high-quality, highly reliable products. We’re glad you’re part of our worldwide community.
This page will help you make the most of your IPC membership!
Explore IPC’s Members- Only Resources
IPC membership has its advantages — and the Members-only website is a great place to find special resources that are available to you as an employee of an IPC member-company. Review the host of information at your fingertips, and more importantly, to put these resources to work for you and your company!
Get Started with IPC Membership
We want your IPC membership to start delivering value right away! By following these steps, you will stay connected to IPC, industry news, new standards information and informative publications.
Connect with IPC on social media
Introduction to IPC Standards
For more than 60 years, the global electronics industry has turned to IPC industry standards to manufacture consistently highly reliable, high quality products. 300+ active multilingual industry standards are accepted worldwide for nearly every stage of the electronic product development cycle, from design and purchasing through assembly and acceptance. Along with improved quality, IPC standards help control costs and streamline communication between suppliers, manufacturers, assemblers, and their customers.
Here's how IPC membership can help you leverage the industry's leading standards:
“Using IPC standards has reduced scrap by 75%, increased productivity by 35% due to decreased rework, produced an outgoing yield of 99.92%, and developed a better relationship with our suppliers by increasing our understanding of key characteristics during an incoming inspection.” - Risk Manager, Small Business Electronics Company
Get Started with IPC Education
IPC membership delivers education and training. Members have free access to ESD and Safety training courses that were developed specifically for the electronics manufacturing industry. IPC member courses are just one way to take your training to another level.
You can designate the recipient of your complimentary copy of new standards releases by emailing Contact.Us@ipc.org. IPC will then email the designated recipient a username and password. Companies will still have access to the complimentary standard within 90 days of publication.
*NOTE: Translations, amendments, addendums, incorporations, or supplements are not part of the one complimentary copy of each new standard program.
Did you know your IPC membership makes you a WHMA member too?
IPC and WHMA partner to develop standards and host industry events. Expand your network with our wire and cable harness colleagues. The Wiring Harness Manufacturer’s Association® (WHMA) was established to serve and dedicate their resources to the global cable and wire harness industry. WHMA is the ONLY trade association exclusively representing the cable and wire harness manufacturing industry.

Here's how your IPC membership can help you and your colleagues get IPC events on your calendar:
Connect with the Industry! Save on all IPC Events
IPC members consistently cite that networking and education focused on timely, practical, and applicable knowledge are two highly valuable benefits of membership. Your IPC membership keeps you educated and connected through our electronics industry events.